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Over 75 million tourists visit the Orlando area annually, it is estimated that the average family of four spends approximately $2,500.00 on theme park and attraction tickets.
Now you can earn commissions from the sale of these tickets. With our affiliate program you simply place this banner on your website and every sale earns you cash. Our base commission earns you 1% of every sale that you refer plus you are eligible for monthly promotions and specials. You carry no inventory and you are not responsible for any delivery or shipping, we do it all. Commissions are paid on the 10th day of every month for the previous months sales and will be mailed directly to you.
What are you waiting for? Simply fill out the application and start the approval process, we will check out your site within 24 hours for final approval. |
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agents and partners reserve the right to accept, refuse, decline
or cancel any member affiliate for any reason. Themeparkticket.com
enforces a no-spam policy and does not approve the following
sites; Pornographic, Redirects, Illegal Content, Racial or FFA |